Author: David McKain
We’ve finally finished upgrading all of Scientific Linux 7 desktop PCs to Ubuntu! In true Forth Rail Bridge style, we’re now looking at upgrading our Ubuntu Linux Platform from version 20.04 (Focal Fossa) to 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish). This post will show you how can try out bits of Jammy now.
We made a few minor changes to the suite of packages we provide on our Ubuntu desktop & compute hosts during the Christmas break.
This HOWTO shows you how to run a Jupyter Notebook on one of the School’s compute servers, and then interact with it from a web browser running on your own computer.
There’s a gotcha lurking if you work with MPI code and also use our current version or Anaconda! Find out how to deal with this.
We’ve just upgraded the version of Slurm powering our School’s Slurm Compute Cluster from version 20.11 to version 22.05. Read on to find out what’s new, and learn about a change that may affect a very small number of users.
This blog post shows you how to install the PolyLogTools Mathematica package for use on Linux hosts in the School of Physics & Astronomy.
We’ve made a couple of minor improvements to the handy seff & sinfo-nodes Slurm utilities. Read on for more details.
We’ve refreshed some of the additional compilers we provide on our Ubuntu Linux platform. Read on for full details.
We’ve just added a new software package called Singularity to all hosts running our Ubuntu Linux Platform, including our Slurm Compute Cluster.
We recently purchased 7 new nodes for our Slurm Compute Cluster. 4 of these are available to use now. The remaining 3 will be available soon. We’ve also repurposed 3 nodes from our old SGE Compute Cluster. Read on for more details.
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