Any views expressed within media held on this service are those of the contributors, should not be taken as approved or endorsed by the University, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University in respect of any particular issue.

Survey Schedule

This study is longitudinal – you will be invited to complete an online survey three times over six months. This is to help us understand the impact of any changes over the time period.

The first survey can be completed immediately after the parent/guardian consent form has been signed. The second survey link will be sent after three months, and the final survey link will be sent after six months. You will receive email reminders for each survey.


Pilot study **Completed**

We recently invited a number of young people to participant in a small pilot study. They kindly gave us helpful feedback and contributed to the current study design!


Main study – Round 1 **OPEN NOW**

April – 30 Sep 2024

– Good News! The first round has been extended until the end of September. Please sign up if you haven’t done so!

The survey will cover topics such as (a) different types of music engagement, (b) emotional awareness and regulation, and (c) well-being.

We hope to recruit as many young people as possible to join this study!


Round 2 **OPEN NOW**

The second survey is now on. The same group of participants will receive an email reminder for further information.

If you have participated in the first round but have not received any updates, please wait for further notice, as there should be a three-month gap between the first and second surveys. Any questions please email Ms Menchie Leung at


Survey 3

Our final survey will take place six months after the first round. The same group of participants will be invited to join.


***Are you interested in joining the study? Click here for more details***


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