Selecting Participants

As I begin to put my plans into place I want to ensure that I am reaching the right participants. Selecting the right participants is crucial for the success of a co-design workshop. Best practices suggest a diverse group that can bring different perspectives and expertise to the table. It’s important to include users, staff, volunteers, and other stakeholders who are actively involved in the co-design process. The Interaction Design Foundation recommends that designers act as facilitators, guiding participants through the design process to harness collective wisdom and insights, especially from end-users. This is crucial for my project.

The importance of including people with lived experiences and considering various types of diversity when assembling co-design teams is also key. The role of the research facilitator in maintaining momentum and ensuring that participants view themselves as co-owners of the intervention, which fosters a sense of engagement and ownership is important and one that will need thought. Effective participant selection not only contributes to the creation of more inclusive and useful outcomes. Therefore, carefully planning the participant mix by considering these best practices can significantly impact the effectiveness and efficiency of the co-design workshop.

The question for me is how do I ensure the above happens?

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