Having had helpful conversations over the last couple of weeks, I’m beginning to develop a more concrete plan, particularly with regards to the focus of my work.
The future of Scottish qualifications is going to provide the context, specifically the recommendations set out in the Hayward Review. What I want to do is use critical design methods to elicit young people’s views about the recommendations, but more generally what they think they should leave school with. In doing so, I want to be able to critically evaluate three of these methods and how they might help young people articulate educational futures.
I had initially thought I would concentrate on a single method. Recently, provotyping looked promising. However, on reflection, I think a range of methods might be best. To this end, I want to look at:
- Provotyping
- Design Fiction/Narrative work
- Co-creating speculative objects with the young people (perhaps using a model similar to Stuart Candy’s Futures Bazaar)
The first two would be created by me. I imagine the workshop might revolve around examining the artefacts and using them as stimuli for semi-guided conversations. For the third workshop, I would use the same semi-guided conversation approach but would do so while creating the speculative objects. Practically, I imagine I would involve a different group of young people for each method. It’s worth noting that this potential approach will require careful thought about the selection of participants.