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Week 4 Lecture Notes & Exercise



This is my week 4 class notes and exercise (sun path predicting).

The above is my png version that people can directly check.


There  is a PDF version that is clear: week 4 notes 


This video shows the sun’s path.


My reflection for week 4:  

I think it is important to define the sun’s path when designing the interior of a building for several reasons:

  • Natural light: Understanding the sun’s path allows designers to maximize the use of natural light in the building. By placing windows and openings in the right locations, they can take advantage of the sun’s angle and intensity at different times of the day to provide natural light that illuminates the space and reduces the need for artificial lighting.
  • Solar heat gain: The sun’s path also affects the amount of solar heat gain in the building. By analyzing the sun’s path, designers can determine the optimal shading strategies to reduce unwanted heat gain in the summer and maximize heat gain in the winter, thereby reducing energy costs for heating and cooling.
  • Daylighting: Designers can also use the sun path to optimize daylighting strategies, which involve using natural light to illuminate interior spaces. This can improve the visual quality of the space and reduce the need for artificial lighting, leading to energy savings and improved occupant well-being.
  • Health and well-being: Exposure to natural light has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including improved mood, productivity, and sleep quality. By designing spaces that are well-lit with natural light, designers can create environments that promote occupant health and well-being.

In summary, defining the sun-path is crucial when designing the interior of a building because it allows designers to optimize natural lighting, reduce energy costs, and promote occupant health and well-being.


Thank you for watching my week 4 blog! 




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