Author: s2440254
In the traditional view of masculinity and masculine works, women have been seen as symbols of male desires and subordinates, compared to men and cast in literature, women are the others who have lost the right to speak and take the initiative, that is, the British writer Virginia Woolf mentioned in her lecture “A Room […]
Perception is a fundamental theory in art psychology. In Chinese, perception is written as ‘感知‘, meaning feeling and perception, a term that encompasses both the more intuitive and figurative sensations and the more complex and abstract perceptions. In an attempt to recreate the journey to Calton Hill using sensory experience and perceptual art, we experimented […]–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/09/30/sprint-1-p2p-reflective-blog/#comment-11–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/10/10/art-assignment-lost-childhood-object/#comment-10–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/09/29/sprint-1-assignment-(500-word-blogpost)/#comment-5–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/2022/10/22/sprint-2-the-presentation-of-art/#comment-5
In the past two weeks, our group tried to design a new way of playing( In order to achieve the purpose of artistic creation, we combine each person’s different academic background and professional knowledge in this game. Through this game named “begging for alms”, we can finally get a new body language system. We named […]
“Strange Studies” is the first stage of our study into this major of contemporary art theory, which is introduced in the course introduction on the school website:“Weird Studies” is a scholarly field that doesn’t and can’t exist. The Weird is that which resists any settled explanation or frame of reference. It is the bulging file […]
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