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Visit the opening

It is glad to see everyone successfully completed the exhibition. However, I think we did not do enough in promoting the exhibitions. In the process of preparing for the exhibitions, we invested a lot of time and energy in designing each project. But unfortunately, the number of audience to the exhibitions was not ideal, and only a few peers and our friends came to visit. This made us disappointed.


We need to reflect on our promotion strategy, identify shortcomings and improve. We have increased publicity on the Internet, released exhibition posters, etc., trying to attract more people to visit. In addition, we should use more social media to increase the exposure of the exhibition and attract more attention. We can also cooperate with local galleries, invite them to visit our exhibitions and do cross-promotion. This can not only increase the exposure of the exhibition, but also improve our popularity. At the same time, we can also consider organizing some public lectures, workshops and other activities to attract more people to attend.

In short, we need to strengthen the promotion work of the exhibition so that more people can see our achievements. The exhibition is an opportunity for us to show ourselves, and it is also a window for us to show ourselves to the outside world. We should make full use of this opportunity to let more people know about our project and increase our popularity and influence.

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