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The film workers

The film workers

I watch the film Workers, which focuses on the experiences of a collective of sex workers in Scotland, their fight for labor rights and their relationship to work. The film records the appearance of sex workers doing things, without too much conversation. The natural lens makes sex workers more real as human beings, rather than just a political topic. I think for sex workers the film is less political and more personal. There may be some people who have no political awareness and don’t think and speak theoretically. And even if the film doesn’t work on a political level, it will work on a personal level. It is more than a voice of sex workers in politics and more than a work of art. The film itself is not an end, nor is it a closed representation; it still has the potential to push something forward even after the production and screening of the film are over.


Apply for funds

In this week’s class, each group practiced writing application documents for an art organization. The art organization assigned to our group was Mural Arts Philadelphia. We chose an existing project to write, even though there was already lots of known information, I still thought this exercise was difficult. Our group attempted to answer the questions guided in the document, and while we didn’t end up completing the exercise, I learned what to include in a document when applying for funding. However, it is one thing to know, and another thing to actually do it, and doing is not always as simple as imagined. It is worth mentioning that our other class this semester is Curating, and we may need to apply for funds. I think this exercise will be very helpful for us both now as students and in the future.

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