PPT and screen recording
curating ppt 双重身份 【powerpowerppowerpoint】
https://youtu.be/yBEka9HPV9M 【SCREEN RECORDIN】
https://media.ed.ac.uk/media/Kaltura+Capture+recording+-+February+13th+2023%2C+7A56A13+pm/1_6bplfn2t [screen recording]
PPT and screen recording / Zekun Yang / Curating (2022-2023)[SEM2] by blogadmin is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0
Learning Outcome #1. Research: Identify, engage with, and apply a range of contemporary curatorial methods, practices and theories relevant to the commissioning, production, dissemination and archiving of cultural practices.
What works well
Zekun, your research focus is clearly outlined as are the intended curated works. It is also promising to see you have approached artists/filmmakers to get permission to screen their works in Edinburgh.
Your idea of embodying a yin-yang symbol as a curatorial conceit is an interesting framework for channelling the curation of the works. Consider how this will be achieved, does it need to be a literal application of the symbol or is it something that can be signified and implied through other strategies? Will a critical contextualisation of the yin-yang symbol in relation to issue of duality be incorporated into the event and if so how? Could this be through a commissioned artist text or performance?
What could be improved
Your presentation would have benefitted from greater focus on what artworks you intend to include and how they relate to your proposed theme. For instance, how does each one relate to the concept of dual-identity? How does each work differ from the other? What does the collection of works as a whole present to the viewer?
Learning Outcome #2: Practice: Working with your peers, commission, produce, disseminate and archive cultural practices, locating your approach in relation to the expanded field of contemporary curatorial theory and practice.
What works well
Currently you are intended to curate a screening event rather than an exhibition which is exciting and manageable within the remit of the project. It also means you should look at similar types of events to explore how they have been staged and the extent to which the curators impose a ‘mis en scene’ on the events both in terms of thematic and literal constructs in a space. Consider looking at Embassy Gallery’s back catalogue of screening events as they have a history of working in this way.
What could be improved
Your presentation could’ve been more in-depth to be closer to the requirement of the stated brief of being nearer to 10minutes. This would’ve allowed you the necessary scope to frame the conceptual ideas underpinning your proposal (i.e. the theories you are drawing from on dual identities) and examine the artworks you’ve identified in sufficient depth to the audience.