Category: Uncategorised
The artist I like works with various brands, the artist illustrates new products for some brands and these illustrations are printed on the packaging of the product, the audience of the product can know the artist through the packaging and the product will be more popular because of the artist’s illustration
Qiu Zhijie’s exhibition was really beautiful and I took a lot of photos and learnt a lot from his work. His work gave me a sense of incorporating traditional ink painting into innovative illustration, which is a style I have always really liked. Some of his work is very much like traditional Chinese […]
I think this term I should increase my drawing speed and spend more time on drawing, I want to practice my basic sketching skills and improve my ability to draw details, I finished a 6-page comic last term but when I looked at it I realised that my images were too monotonous so I […]
I saw a lot of other students’ work at the mini-exhibition on Monday of the first week, I thought the ideas and colours were very beautiful and everyone had their own particular style, I learnt a lot about illustration. Who do you think is the intended audience? How do you know this? Are there […]
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