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Author s2413068

Peer Review 2

These are four blogs I have commented on. Sprint 2: Open Toolkits&Problem Scenario Wee9 Sprint4 reflective analysis Reflection for the sprint4 (week8-9) Dec 11, 2022


Problem Scenario I have created and licenced an Open Toolkit for Artistic Learning. I’d like to organise a public event within which to present and run this Open Toolkit that will attract like-minded peers. I’ve heard that “unconferences” are ways… Continue Reading →


Problem Scenario I have been asked to research, design, run and document an ‘Open’ workshop that teaches an aspect of my practice to a group of peers. I’m not sure what a ‘practice’ is, or if I have one! How… Continue Reading →

Peer Review–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/–open-learning-2022-2023sem1/ Oct 24, 2022

Week3~4 Assignment& Reflection

Art Assignment 1 I choose the assignment: Learning to Love You More.  (Available at: )  The activities are no longer available for some reason, so I write them as follows. Create a topic : Take a photo of the… Continue Reading →


Reflection Through the class, we collaborate with our peers and learn together. But in fact, we don’t know where to start. So I try to practice this skill through three perspectives, First I study the importance of P2P learning, then… Continue Reading →

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