1. I agree with Jenna Clarine Ashton: Hearing takes the place of seeing. When I listen to Blue, blue appears in my mind from time to time. But that’s not important. “The persistency of Blue pushes one’s eyes to the screen’s edge; stasis is hard to watch. Blue alerts the viewer to the peripheral world of the screen, not through the anticipation of change, but in its unchanging insistency.” ( 2022) When I’m immersed in audio, my focus is entirely on hearing. For example,I like the audio from 9 minutes, which is  slow, close to nature and full of human feelings. In the last piece of music, I feel as if I am free, free from all shackles, walking along the coastline with waves crashing and bells ringing again and again. The ending of the bell sound after sound, and brought me back to the real space I was in.
  2. Both of these works were created in the context of AIDS, and both are about wear and tear. The lack of vision reflected by Blue highlights the sense of hearing, while Untitled reflects the lack of hearing highlights the sense of sight. In my opinion, these two works connect with the audience through the senses. One is to attract the audience’s vision by using large pieces of blue, but to make the audience feel the absence by using audio. But the other uses sight and touch, and the absence occurs when the audience takes away the candy.



www.fvu.co.uk. (n.d.). Image Abrasion. [online] Available at: https://www.fvu.co.uk/read/writing/image-abrasion [Accessed 24 Oct. 2022].