Clean Feedback Model


Detailed, specific, descriptive feedback which focuses students’ attention on their actions it is suggested will help them to clearly identify what should happen next (Lipnevich & Smith, 2009)

We learnt about Using a Clean Feedback Model to Facilitate the Learning Process.


Originally I only knew how to give feedback on my own thinking and improvements, but I always lacked a systematic way of thinking about it, so this lesson guided us on how to reflect our feedback in a clear and helpful way. I have read this article carefully 3 times before class and it has given many suggestions for new teachers to thoughtfully consider and practise, which has effectively contributed to the effectiveness and process of learning.
During the class, our professor gave us a brief explanation of the model. I understood this part quite soon because I had previewed it. The teacher let the red basho use the model to generate questions about the workshop designed by our peers. At first, we had not thought about our own workshops from this perspective and sometimes we had to think for a while before answering. Through Q&A and presentations to each other, we reframed our thoughts and made some new and useful adjustments to our workshops.


In this lesson I realised that my thinking is often limited when I am planning and creating according to my existing thoughts. Using feedback models to re-question ourselves became vital at this point. As organisers, we not only have to articulate our ideas, but we also need to consider the issues from the perspective of the participants. In the Action Learning cycle, the cyclical process from Plan to Act to Reflect to Learn allows us to set up more explicitly.
More frequent application of new models helps us to improve our thinking skills. in Academic Reflection, Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle , Rolfe et al’s (2001) reflective model, The Integrated Reflective Cycle, The four F’s of active reviewing, The CARL framework of reflection and The 5R framework for reflection are still not fully understood and need to be practised several times after the class for me, which will greatly improve my feedback logic skills.




Note from Red Basho


Art therapy





Social game images

10-12 words

Famous paintings/children’s paintings inspire

Guess your favourite project





Escape to the visual world like the sims

Creat a Cyberpunk World live in it everything is real but kind of unreal

Programming courses

Still love computer art


Use Code to create own world

You R a Code



Theme: Fall into Network



1. give code in different shapes and materials (emoji、bar code、code)

2. make everything you want

3. Make specifical things

4. Make

5. blue and dark Color your code

6. Make sth to Clean the dark web (violence、crime)


1. programming

2. emoji/bar code/QR code

Digital world



Fill true materials


Design exercise for yourself from what discover





Contemporary art exhibition

Glass bottles flavours


Rely senses (taste/smell)

Describe and do some sketches

3D models real model



Creat own art work\process


Different ear voice/noise