After Neil and Jake had guided us through a discussion of the various forms of learners, we realised that we could not just divide the participants by age, or consider them as students without considering their background. Their identities and perspectives are different and the strategy of the workshop needs to be adapted. The rich and well-organised mind map allowed us to rethink the identity of the participants.
We also learn the concept of interpellation. Describing the participants interpellates them into a specific job that you are requesting that they play, then assume an essential part first in developing our personalities and afterwards giving us a specific spot in the public arena. To say that somebody is completely interpellated is to say that the individual in question has been effectively brought into tolerating a specific job, or that the person has acknowledged qualities energetically.


Here is my modified Practice


Name your practice:

Choose and listen to the song

Describe it interms of how it feels to do


Emotional, cheerful, inspired, relaxed

on my mood and environment at the time


Describe it in terms of what it looks like



An ordinary way to entertain,normal



Routes through the practice? Flow?

UPSET-sad songs-

FEARFUL-Inspirational songs


Routes through the practice? Steps

Select the keyword of today’s feeling

Type it in the serach box

Find a certain list/singer

Pick one you love




Does it have meter, pace, etc

POP music

It has main melody, always strong like heartbeat

Also has chorus




Go back over again

Have questions



More detailed