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Author s2227564

About my identity 1

Some background: I came to Edinburgh with a new and unknown perspective because of my cultural background, where everything was relatively new and unfamiliar to me, and my focus was on the relationship between people and society and people. I… Continue Reading →

The first stage-exploration and thinking 2

xinli’s work I try to find some ideas in a new city, subject: society of the spectacle   Some other ideas about organs, but not very good. In the beginning stages I just wanted to try and have more ideas…. Continue Reading →

The first stage-exploration and thinking 1

Xin Li’s work My focus is on the relationship between people. I want to observe from a social perspective. Due to the different cultures, I can discover a new country from a new perspective, like a detective perspective. I used… Continue Reading →

Artist- Zhao Renhui

Foucault said that visibility is a trap. The truth is that all the animals, plants, and popular science knowledge in the entire book are all made up by Zhao Renhui. Modern society has given too much imagination to science. He… Continue Reading →


I think that games and mythology are both about a search for an identity, a person who may be depressed in real life but can gain a sense of achievement in the world of games. Mythmaking partly comes from practice,… Continue Reading →

post-internet era

There are many different ways to view art in the post-internet era, from social media, artist websites, media coverage and live streaming alone. There are also a variety of offline channels, such as galleries and art flash shops, through which… Continue Reading →

week 4 reading thoughts

新媒体艺术包括网络艺术,这是一个更注重技术和艺术实践的大流派,网络艺术作为一种媒介和环境,对新媒体艺术的技术性进行了反驳。 在媒体艺术中,对在线艺术有不同的看法,例如,一种更普遍接受的观点是,新媒体艺术家将在线艺术视为一种社交媒体艺术,它依赖于 Facebook 和 Youtube 等社交媒体进行传播 在这些不稳定的时期,经济在网络艺术展览的商业化分销中发挥了重要作用。与此同时,“数字艺术品拍卖”的积极反应表明,人们对网络艺术的兴趣浓厚,为了获得更多的资金支持,艺术家们开始更加关注网络艺术的实体展览,寻找获得更多收入来源的途径。 后电影时代成为影像入侵的过程。 生产/后期制作/互联网艺术下的蜕变/意味着世界/可以通过其工具来理解和改变。 视音频在不断的剪辑、调色、过滤中形成新的艺术创作,新的电影风格是人们赋予图像新的角色以表达新的风格。 与此同时,互联网已经不仅仅是一个屏幕和界面,它已经成为我们生活的环境,我们走在一个被网络媒体包围的空间里,并与之融为一体。数据、声音和图像突破了数据通道的界限,呈现出一种物质形态,图像被拔掉与屏幕分离,模糊了它们原有的界限。电影还可以添加多种设备和装置,以创作受数字和图像启发的电影,使在线艺术的呈现不仅是虚幻的,而且是物质的。   Oct 29, 2021

Week2 Reading thoughts

Oct 4, 2021

What is Contemporary Art? Take Sam Hsien as a example.

Oct 4, 2021

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