The Deep Listening Movement suggests that we should listen without judgement, and not define sounds as negative or pleasant, but should pay attention to the affect it has on the body, surroundings and time.

For this project, I am interested in the idea of visualizing sound through colour and shape. I did some research on sound artists in order to inspire my work.

Above is the work of Amble Skuse, who incorporates both sound and visual work to create a multi-media piece. She tracked the process of exploring a city using a wheelchair with Emily Fong, and by capturing the sounds at the different stops on her journey, they were able to convey the experience of disabled people in the city through sound. I think it’s very effective how each section has a different sound attached, and it is something I would like to incorporate in my work.


Above is Kate Mclean’s ‘Flower Explosion’, which portrays spring smells of the city in Amsterdam through a scent map, using rippling lines and colour to represent the varying scents. Although this is not focusing on the representation of sound, I feel it is a very effective method of portraying sound, as the rippling lines remind me of sound waves, and how far they travel before they disappear.


The Bedolina Map is known for being one of the most ancient topographic maps which interpreted plots, mountain paths and villages. A total number of 109 figures were plotted during the late Bronze Age and the Iron Age  for example warriors or wooden huts. The use of the symbolic figures and shapes would be an effective way of mapping out a sound map, by drawing similar figures to represent different locations on a sound walk. I would like to utilise this method on one of my own sound walks.