week 8

Updated Storyboard and collages


Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV) is a virus of the tombusvirus family. It was first reported in tomatoes in 1935 and primarily affects vegetable crops, though it is not generally considered an economically significant plant pathogen. Depending upon the host, TBSV causes stunting of growth, leaf mottling, and deformed or absent fruit. The virus is likely to be soil-borne in the natural setting, but can also transmitted mechanically, for example through contaminated cutting tools.

Leaves on plants infected with Tomato bushy stunt virus are small in size, cupped, and curled downward. The youngest leaves are twisted and exhibit tip necrosis. A proliferation of lateral shoots leads to an overall bushy appearance. Lower leaves are chlorotic with a purple tinge. Plants may be stunted. Fruit yield is greatly reduced.

source: https://www2.ipm.ucanr.edu/agriculture/tomato/Tomato-Bushy-Stunt/

For this version of storyboard, I had tried a more illustrative style to present the process of how tomatoes are infected by the virus.

The situation usually take place in farm, one pathway of the invasion of virus is by soil, so once virus enter the root of tomato plants through the ground, targeting the leaves and fruits, eventually the whole plants will be stunted.

In this final version I did not choose the Manga style because I prefer the storyboard to be more scientific and match to reality, same as the last version, I collaged in photos of the real plants and after infection. I also enrich the colour, inspired from a artistic technique called Pointillism, I used big dots as I think small dots are quite similar to the circle pixels used in pop art.

The collages are about a tour to prince street.

I illustrated the path from my accommodation to the prince street and included what I had seen during my visiting.  This is more of a vague   Collage that I combined my perception and imagination together in one piece, from the above skyline to the vibration and sound of vehicles, as well as my footprints. My focal bit in this collage is the combination of different circles. I used circular line shape that indicates the Blueshift effect in physics that appear in moving object such as cars. The circle in the sea wave refers to the sea in Edinburgh but also suggests the crowds in prince street. My footprints were also made circular which shows my way to the prince street and back from.

This drawing is developed from my collage above, I studied about Iannis Xenakis’s composition and his notational drawing of the score. I think his experience as a architect influenced him a lot, since we can see that his drawing of score appears very tectonic. Inspiring by that,  my score- lines and dots to present the voice I heard during my tour in the Prince street: the moving vehicle, the sound when cars brake. The disorder sound of people’s walking and talk. And most interestingly , those sound gather together, echo back from buildings surface and the mountain behind, eventually vanishing in the mountain and woods.

It was nighttime when I revisited the prince street, so I made a collage using the photos I took of the Castle and the light of the skyine, also, inspiring by the time lapse photo, I added car light in a score-like way, and made them into time lapse effect.

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