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Week 1 Activity

Here I used stuff that can hold something, like tights and plastics bags that specifically only come from ordering clothes online. These materials are either really thin, or have holes in them making them useless to wear or reuse in the way they were intended for or other. I found the appeal in how flat and discarded these were, I wanted to put them through the process of giving them form again however different then what they usually are associated with. I went outside to use soil because of how damp it was I knew it would settle at the bottom maybe altering the materials and giving room for chance, I also found dead leaves and used them to add shape but not weight. I also used an old pole found in my garden to hang them, I thought that hanging them would be interesting to see how they differ from each other in size, length or form based on what’s inside. I also used found plant pots around to composition them in relation to the hanging products. I think the context of them hanging on a laundry pole makes it seem like someone took out there trash and hanged it up.

Link to video.

I wanted to explore using a powdery material and using myself or an object to alter it over a small period of time. I found some ground up turmeric and the colour was really appealing as it looked almost chemical especially against a white chopping board. I used a small tooth pick to create finer marks within the pile of turmeric, lines in all directions, patting or spreading actions. I then transferred it onto paper to see how it would spread and captured that within a photo. I think there’s potential here in how the marks are made, can try different tools or different materials to play about with. I managed to use an everyday house material in a way it wasn’t meant for, really pin pointing that I enjoyed that process. I also liked that after use I was able to put the turmeric back into its bottle and didn’t waste anything in the making of this small intervention.


I wanted to combine more greenery with spare materials like ink/paint to create this combination of nature and technical materials. I used a dead plant that I hadn’t binned yet and realised that I can try the opposite to the first thing I did and take away the form by nailing down the leaves on a spare wooden board. This created an interesting surface as the leaves were in different stages of decay and behaved differently when absorbing the wet paint or ink. The leaves didn’t have a purpose anymore and where useless so putting them on this board glorified them to an extend while using the ink/paint I tried to create marks inspired from the leaves and the details of each one. I also tried to have a repetition of black vs white across all the leaves. I think this was an interesting idea however I think I used too much of other materials, so there is room to try useing less and see what the outcome becomes.

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