Paper Baskets And Light – ILA 4 : Weaving


For my first attempt, I used rolled up tubed of newspaper. This made a thicker, more solid material. However, it lacked a bit of flexibility, so the result isn’t as neat as I would have wanted. However, I also really like the newspaper look. And I managed to get it generally symmetrical.

For the second basket, I thought to have more flexibility I would just use thin strips of paper. Though the result is a bit less sturdy, it is definitely neater and more symmetrical. I also decided to try folding the leftover ends to the side to create a nicer top, rather than just folding them over and having a flat top.

I then tried seeing how these ‘baskets’ would interact with light. The first one due to the material used, and its lack of perfect symmetry gave off a more natural, somewhat more organic light, which I thought was really cool.

The second one gave off a way more neat and symmetrical light, which also looked really nice in a completely different way.

This activity was really interesting because it was a lot of fun to see how small differences in the object could cause a lot of variation in the light effect.


  1. maria laveron says:

    After going through your whole blog, I can assure you your attempt at being successful at product design is exceeding expectations!!!!!! Lovely work and exploration and addition to the course by using different materials 😉

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