The artist that has most captured my interest whilst researching working with the found object was Mike Kelley and his iconic work with stuffed animals.

Images of ‘Deodorized Central Mass with Satellites’, Mike Kelley, 1991.

Kelley’s piece, “Deodorized Central Mass with Satellites”, works with the concept of creating one large cluster from amassing many found objects, similar but slightly varying, in colour and form, together to create a single installation of impressive proportions.

Kelley’s work has inspired my idea to work with my previous experiments with using simple processes to alter the appearance of the plastic bottle and amass and combine multiple of these altered bottles together to create a larger combined object. My intention is for the combined mass to have an abstract quality in the same way that I feel Kelley’s work does, losing sight of the individual objects until closer inspection, although I expect it to have a glassy, fragile quality that is opposed to the plush, dense, rolling masses of Kelley’s work, such are the qualities of the respective found objects.