As part of the MAFA 2022 online exhibition project Mia and Will are trying to set up a digital gallery. I sent Mia some of the files of my 3d scans se she could see if we could put digital sculpture in the space, and it worked!! its really interesting to see how the computer interpreted my work as black as I’ve never seen it that way. Its also nice fore me to see my work presented alongside that of my piers! once Mia and Will have got more of a hang of how to make digital exhibitions I am going to try to talk to them about the alternative ways I could percent my work in the space as I think this would be a really interesting thing to experiment with!
I got my Moon Face piece printed onto Business cards and A3 Posters!
Its really exciting to see my ideas realised in paper form!
On the back of my business cards I have put a QR code that links to my work on Pinshaped so viewers can 3D print the sculptural version of my work.
These are all the current elements of Moon Face.
Richard printed me off two half sized Moon Face’s. This is because he made a net that he felt could be improved. Personal I can’t tell the difference between the two prints other thane one has a few scratch like marks under one of its chins. I was not expecting them to be half sized, but I think they are really cute this size. defiantly not a monumental sculpture but more an investing shape that is nice to hold. I quite like this, I think it contrasts with the cosmic – technological nature of the artivive work. These scans demonstrate a more piece full domestic side to the work. I hope that by being able to see my work in different forms viewers will be able to have a deeper and more complex relationship with the object.
these 3d prints were a lot smaller than I was expecting – they also had some of the supportive material left on them.
it made me think of the kind of discharge that covers new born babies and as I washed off the excess material I felt like I was bringing these little sculptures into the world. This has made me think of these 3d prints perhaps more as offspring of my original work rather than clones, although the supportive material could also be interpreted as the kind of goo clones in movies are always covered with wen they emerge!
using different .xyz file viewers i can look at the net in a variety of colours.
I really like the black and white for this piece, but the density of the peach an purple net is inserting.
Although my videos fail to pick it up, the moon face net rotates as well as shivers.
The white net moon is the same size as the line moon on the poster so that when one points the camera directly in forint of the poster the net should appear to cover the line drawing.
I like the black and white net and how it looks with the black and white poster but I want to experiment with different colours before I make make any physical posters.