An exploration/rethink of my little studio space.
A studio is a tool. And tool is an extension of our body. I’d love to know every inch of my body.
Stretching my body and mind is my way of meditation. I’ll have my ego extended, stretched, touching the tip of a street lamp, or that of a mountain or a wave.
And every corner of my studio as well.
I imagined myself to be a spider, weaving its web and catching any idea that went astray…
i talked to the nails left by my predecessors, and thrust my own ones as well.
It’s improvisational, a conversation between me and myself… let the subconsciousness do the work, let it dictate, and then ask ‘why’.
Why am I thinking like this? Where do these take forms from?
Bloodline. Connections.
inspired by a broken spider web, which caught too much debris and leaves… it’s in vain.
Is my/our seeking for art/meanings/everything destined to be in vain?
Healing. Stitching.
An experiment of forms, lines, drawing…
And before I could notice, it had gone out of control… growing outwards and going everywhere.
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