Month: January 2022
I visited some hidden backstreets and districts through a series of narrow alleys. They are usually the Edinburgh unseen, though vibrant and filled with details… potential sites…
with mirror with thread
23 Jan 2022 zhixuan: 跟studio和gallery相对的概念。。。前二者是更为封闭的概念。。。场地是可以被设计被塑造的。。。更为‘人工’的。。。 It’s a concept opposite to studio or gallery… the latter two are more confined… of which the occasions could be shaped… more artificially… public… public awareness… public reception… xin: 我觉得他只要存在在一个除“white cube”之外的场域就是存在的。 另外一个点是和人或场地的互动交流,因为我在艺术创作中更喜欢关注和人的互动, 一个单独摆放的艺术品相对于能对和人之间有“交流”的艺术品,我认为能和人产生“互动”的艺术作品对人的影响是更大的。 I think it exists as long as it is situated in a space […]
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