Today I returned to the metal workshop to make some progress on my piece. Today I focused on the smaller canister and making sure that was secured somehow on to the other two. To begin, with I sawed off the gas outlet so that the pipe could fit snugly over the top. Then I drilled a hole in the pipe and welded a bolt above the hole so that I could use a screw to keep the pipe in place. This would make sure the pipe would stay strongly fixed on to the canister whilst at the same time able to be taken apart and transported easily.

Progress is slow because it has proved a fiddly process with multiple steps, techniques and machines so far- but I am really happy with the progress I have made and the new skills I have learnt. I would say I am now fairly confident with welding and using the angle grinder as well as the drill, metal bender and cutter. (Those aren’t the technical names of the machines I’m sure- their proper names have escaped me!)