Papers, presentation and posters


Submitted: Utley, R. E, Utting, N., Johnson, G., Gyore, D., Zurakowska, M., Stuart, F., Boyce, A.J., Darrah, T.H., Gulliver, P., Osadetz, K., Hazeldine, R.S., Stuart, F., Lawton, D., Gilfillan, S.M.V. Multi-isotope geochemical baseline study of the CMC Research Institutes CCS Field Research Station (Alberta, Canada), prior to CO2 injection. Petroleum Geoscience : Geoscience for CO2 storage. 

Utley, R., Utting, N., Johnson, G., Hazeldine, R.S., Stuart, F., Gilfillan, S.M.V. (2019) Resolving the baseline isotopic fingerprints of Carbon Dioxide (CO2 ) and Methane (CH4 ) at Carbon Management Canada Research Institutes Field Research Station, Canada. Conference: 14th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-14, Melbourne, Australia.

Presentations and Posters 

22/12/2020: Oral presentation. BSRG 2020. Tunisite: A diagenetic proxy for high-CO2 concentrations. 

15/12/2020 : Oral presentation. AGU 2020. A multi-isotope geochemical approach to baseline monitoring at the CMC Research Institutes Field Research Station (FRS), Alberta, prior to CO2 injection. 

25/11/2020: Invited Speaker. CMC Research Institutes JIP Annual Workshop. Constraining the subsurface geochemical baseline of CMC Research Institutes Field Research Station (FRS), Alberta.

23/06/2020: Goldschmidt 2020. Constraining the Subsurface Geochemical Baseline of CMC Research Institutes’ Field Research Station (FRS), Alberta (Presented on my behalf).

20/02/2020: Invited Speaker, UK based Energy Company. CCUS on the UKCS. 

21/08/2019: Invited Speaker, IEAGHG Monitoring and Environmental Research Combined Network Meeting. Fingerprinting the stable and noble gas geochemical baseline of Carbon Management Canada’s Field Research Station.

20/08/2019: Poster presentation. Carbon Management Canada 2019 Field Research Station Subscriber’s Meeting. Fingerprinting the stable and noble gas geochemical baseline of Carbon Management Canada’s Field Research Station.

06/12/2018: Poster presentation: UKCCSRC ECR Meeting, Edinburgh. Resolving subsurface geochemical baseline conditions for the isotopic monitoring of CO2 injected for geological storage at the Carbon Management Canada Field Research Station, Alberta.

28/11/2018: Poster presentation. PETEX 2018.  Resolving subsurface geochemical baseline conditions for the isotopic monitoring of CO2 injected for geological storage at the Carbon Management Canada Field Research Station, Alberta.

23/10/2018: Poster presentation. GHGT-14, Melbourne. Resolving subsurface geochemical baseline conditions for the isotopic monitoring of CO2 injected for geological storage at the Carbon Management Canada Field Research Station, Alberta.

08/05/2018: Poster presentation. University of Edinburgh PGR Conference 2018. Resolving subsurface geochemical baseline conditions for the isotopic monitoring of CO2 injected for geological storage at the Carbon Management Canada Field Research Station, Alberta.

26/10/2017: Invited Co-Speaker. When Education Becomes Possible, University of Edinburgh Chaplaincy. ‘Inspiring Live…Changing Lives’ University of Edinburgh GeoScience Outreach Programme.

18th-22nd July 2017: IEAGHG Summer School, Regina, Canada.

14/02/2017: Poster Presentation. UKCCSRC ECR Winter School, University of Nottingham. Isotopic Fingerprinting of Industrial CO2 at the CMC Field Research Site.


2020 AAPG International Convention & Exhibition in Madrid, Spain – Specialist Reviewer- CCUS and Geothermal