Hello world!
What is this blog about?
I have been meaning to start blogging for years but I have been procrastinating. Why have I been avoiding it for so long? The reasons are surely rooted in fear – fear that I won’t dedicate enough time to it and it will lie gathering dust in a corner of the internet. Or fear that I won’t have enough ideas, or that I will find it to difficult to write.
Two things happened this month that made me finally take the leap:
UoE launched a new blogging service, which took away any barriers/excuses I might have had around choice of platform or templates;
I was interviewed on BBC Radio Scotland for a programme about procrastination, which I thought would be the ideal theme for my first post.
So what are my plans for this blog? Well, I am a learning advisor – part of my job is to advise students on how to get the most out of their time at university by understanding how people learn effectively. I am also a lecturer – another part of my job is to design and deliver courses in which students can learn.
Some posts will be aimed more at students and your learning, other posts will be aimed at (Higher Education) teachers and your teaching, and some will be relevant for both. I work in a Mathematics department, so some things will be most relevant for mathematics learning and teaching, but many things will be applicable to STEM and many things will applicable to learning and teaching in any discipline.
I will keep posts short – quick tips, rather than lengthy essays – but I will include links for further reading. Let’s get started!
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