Year: 2024
About the author Katy Pompili (she/her) is an Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education graduate from the United States. Before moving to Scotland, she earned a bachelor’s degree in Public Health and worked as an outdoor and environmental educator throughout the US including the Pacific Northwest, Appalachian Region, Rocky Mountain West, and Alaska. Katy is passionate […]
About the author I am a graduate of the Outdoor Education Programme and come from South India. My research focused on exploring how people connect with place and nature through the digital world. The idea behind this research was to understand the growing need to bring technology to the forefront in outdoor education, especially […]
About the author Sarah R. Squire recently completed a MSc in Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education, and has been offered admission to continue to PhD. Her research interests include intersectional sustainability, philosophy of education, land- and place-based education, and human and more-than-human communities. In the interim between degrees, she will have completed a British Sign […]
About the author Hannah Granger completed the Outdoor, Environmental, and Sustainability Education MSc in 2023. As an educator in the United States, Dominican Republic and Colombia, she grew interested in teaching and learning spaces outside of the traditional classroom setting. As an avid traveler, documentary watcher, music lover, and voracious reader, her heroes are Sir […]
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