This website is just another research blog, dedicated to sharing my career development and experiences of PhD life, disability studies, and interdisciplinary research.

My name is Nicola Crowe, and I was born and raised in Edinburgh, Scotland. I have a background in Politics and Korean Studies, and previously worked as a Research Assistant on the University of Dundee Careers Service’s ‘Disability and Employability Research Project’, but am currently undertaking an interdisciplinary PhD in Advanced Care at the University of Edinburgh. As an autistic woman, I am especially passionate about contributing to the success and equality of disabled people, and so my research interests centre around perceptions and experiences of disability and illness – with a particular focus on neurodiversity, and including topics such as ageing, stigmatisation, and social participation. You can find more information about me here.

Alongside documenting my own professional development, this blog includes a range of posts – from my experiences of PhD life as an autistic student, to an exploration of the field of disability studies and unpacking of what ‘interdisciplinary research’ really means. Through these posts, I hope that this blog can act as a forum for discussion – especially for students and researchers that work with, or themselves belong to, communities that are traditionally marginalised within academia. Whether you are a member of the academic community or merely interested in these topics, please interact with these blog posts or get in touch with me on LinkedIn to share your opinions.
