Neil Mulholland Crits are commonplace in creative fields such as writing, art and design education but they are not used commonly elsewhere; nor have crits always been used in creative education. Even within these creative fields, crits are not universally…
Comments closedTag: artistic learning
Contemporary Art & Open Learning: An OER for Artistic Paragogy Neil Mulholland Hour 22 (starting 10 Dec 2021, 10 am UTC+0) Click to join the session #OERCamp Global 2021 on Please create account in order to enrol for the…
Comments closedThis year’s Art & Open Learning Fair builds upon Georg Hardenberg / Novalis / Joseph Beuys’ 1978 provocation: JEDER MENSCH EIN KÜNSTLER. The Fair is a process that has emerged from the open educational resource (OER) produced by Neil Mulholland,…
Comments closedThis book proposes ‘paragogic’ methods to re-imagine the art academy. While art schooling was revolutionised in the early 20th century by the Bauhaus, the author argues that many art schools are unwittingly recycling the same modernist pedagogical fashions. Stagnating in…
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