More specifically, in attunement with neo-animist configurations of the ‘non-human turn’, this paper evokes a cosmology in which aesthetics is not limited to the sensual relations between human self and world but instead describes a synesthetic hyper-economy through which…
Comments closedCategory: Confraternity of Neoflagellants
10:00 Friday 30th September 2016 | Confraternity of Neoflagellants | Listaháskóli Íslands 11, Þverholt, Reykjavík, 105, Iceland Neil Mulholland og Norman Hogg from Myndlistardeild LHI on Vimeo. Neomedievalisms are cultural practices that breathe a bouquet of premoderns as permanent rehearsals of…
Comments closedDay 3 – 23. September, 2016 18.15-18.45 Confraternity of Neoflagellants: Envisioning Future Premodern Materialisms Performing Situated Knowledges: Space, Time, Vulnerability: 7th Annual Conference on the New Materialisms, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. Organized by: New Materialism:…
Comments closed“If art can be said to reflect the conditions of the world in which it is made, art that engages with the vanguard technology of an era can perhaps be said to have a particular purchase on contemporaneous visions of…
Comments closed4th BIENNIAL MEETING OF THE BABEL WORKING GROUP Centre for Medieval Studies, Lillian Massey Building, 125 Queen’s Park, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada DAY 3: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 Un/Session 6. Mash Notes Co-Organizers: Helen Burgess (North Carolina State University) + Craig…
Comments closed4th BIENNIAL MEETING OF THE BABEL WORKING GROUP Centre for Medieval Studies, Lillian Massey Building, 125 Queen’s Park, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada DAY 1: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 SESSIONS // 1:30pm – 3:00pm Session 3. Hermeneutics 2.0 Organizer: Anna Wilson,…
Comments closed@neoflagellants Panel 141 @IMC_Leeds 6th July 2015: 11.15-12.45 Neomedieval Aesthetics in the 21st Century Medieval archetypes such as pilgrimage, liturgy, anchoritism, relic-ing, alchemy, banquetry, palimpsesting, mumming, compagnonnage, gifting and commoning are popular practices and themes in contemporary art. Why are…
Comments closedEMBASSY Gallery Members Show 2015 January 23rd 7-9pm January 24th- February 1st Artists: Thomas Aitchison, Antonia Banados, Tessa Berring, Kirsty Boutle, Kate Bowe O’Brien, Emma Bowen, Carolyn Burchell, The Confraternity of Neoflagellants, Anna Danielewicz, Tim Dodds, Soosan Danesh, Mark Doyle, Micha…
Comments closedJanuary 23, 2015 School of Art, Edinburgh College of Art, University of Edinburgh (Hunter Lecture Theatre), 10.00 am with Hans Abbing, Evangelos Chrysagis, The Confraternity of Neoflaggelants (Norman James Hogg and Neil Mulholland), Angela McClanahan, Georgios Papadopoulos, Stevphen Shukaitis, Marina…
Comments closedHOT DOG PARTY Beagles and Ramsay, Hans Tanza, The Confraternity of Neoflagellants, Lewis Den Hertog, Tex Royale, James Clegg, Neil Bickerton, Paul Rooney, Fintan Ryan, Dennis J. Reinmueller, Estaitis BAUT HAUS, 42 SCIENNES, EDINBURGH EH9 1NL 28th June 7pm…
Comments closedL’étranger broadcasts every possible Tuesday 21h00 – 22h00 (CET) on Radio Panik 105.4FM. A relational outburst. Scrambling fluxional artcore, weird paper chewing savants, occulture whispers … Lined up to be scrambled with interjections and overlays from portable short-wave radio…
Comments closedExploit.zzxjoanw.Gen is an audio zine, a collection if vagrant sonic fictions. It will be available to purchase for £30 as a USB device designed by Plastique Fantastique, or as a free digital download from the Collective and Punctum Records websites, as…
Comments Curated by Ross Downes Private View – Friday 25th April – 18.00 – Late The phenomena of détournement retains an everyday presence, from underground advertisements of perfume models, their teeth crudely blackened with a sharpie, to the organised propaganda of…
Comments closedThe Confraternity of Neoflagellants will be presenting Dark Age Matter as part of the Goldsmiths Art PhD Programme Symposium on Neomedievalisms 27-29th January 2014 Organisers: Roman Vasseur & Alex Pollard See attached PDF for Outline, Timetable & Venues. The sessions on…
Comments closedBorderlands: The Historical and Cultural Significance of the Anglo-Scottish Border 13 December 2013 Gallery North, Northumbria University, Friday December 13th 2013. Convened by Dr Ysanne Holt (Northumbria University) and Dr Angela McClanahan (Edinburgh College of Art) This event, the first…
Comments closedOct 31, 2013
Comments closedthN Lng folk 2go: Investigating Future Premoderns™ by The Confraternity of Neoflagellants with a Preface by Simon O’Sullivan Brooklyn, NY: punctum books, 2013. 242 pages, illus. ISBN-13: 978-0615890258. OPEN-ACCESS e-book and $17.00 [€15.00/£12.00] in print: paperbound/5 X 8 in. “At…
Comments closedPunctum Books: thN Lng folk 2go by The Confraternity of Neoflagellants with a Preface by Simon O’Sullivan Iz thri riwles: Die earste riwle speketh ov journie — iz al outward, ant riwles de body. Schulen ov swucche thinges az flk…
Comments closedConfraternity of Neoflagellants are giving a paper at: The Middle Ages in the Modern World University of St Andrews, Scotland, 25-28 June, 2013 A multidisciplinary conference on medievalism in the post-Middle Ages Conference registration Keynote speakers Carolyn Dinshaw (New York University):…
Comments closedOntario College of Art & Design Lecture Room 7401 205 Richmond Street West Toronto Monday 22nd April 2:00-3:00pm, Neomedievalism is not a singular theory but, rather, a series of provocative analogies for conceptualising post-Soviet geopolitics, globalisation, creative economics and aesthetics.…
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