A cluttered zone filled with various items scattered across the floor
A person holding a book against a wall to educate and inspire others
Six uniquely coloured items with which one may conduct an initial assessment
Pouring water on smooth stone close to where other people eat
Two persons out in their community asking – “what does the messenger bring?”
Someone walking straight through someone else’s home
Person holding a pen and preparing to write, while three associates leap into the air
LED signage of one word
Person lying face down, one arm and one leg dangling
Piling up loose change (using a system others could benefit from)
Four persons doing something today to make tomorrow-people proud
Three persons dressed as clowns, each holds the same printer
Lots of close-ups of handshakes displayed on small shelves
Five persons stand close together, one holds an out-of-focus sign
No more work, no more work, no more work for now
Three strangers doing something a lot people just aren’t doing anymore these days
A dead tree lying on its side, obscured by many wooden tables and chairs
Two friends taking turns to shrug
A flat surface just for creams
Two persons communicating by affixing colourful sticky notes to each other’s faces
Everyone putting everything away
A place filled with multiple transparent boxes containing assorted items