
The MA Contemporary Art Theory is a post-studio graduate programme that supports the practices of artists and contemporary art professionals.

Students from the MA Contemporary Art Theory programme at Edinburgh College of Art, The University of Edinburgh have curated a collection of resources and activities focusing on navigating the inconsistencies found in translating from one language to another, creating a new set of words or phrases to suitably describe artworks, or simply (re-)examining the lexicon we use to talk about our cultures, our bodies, our food….
Used to determine the borders of social groups and movements, or as a tool to include or exclude by hiding information in plain sight, language signifies much more than just verbal communication.
The outcome of this project is a programme of synchronous and asynchronous activities, events and open educational resources created by artists, writers and practitioners in the form of workshops, videos, images and written instructions.

Launched Monday 27th April 2020

This programme will launched on the Squeeze it! website on Monday 27 April. 

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