Neil Mulholland Crits are commonplace in creative fields such as writing, art and design education but they are not used commonly elsewhere; nor have crits always been used in creative education. Even within these creative fields, crits are not universally… Continue Reading →
Reflect on your current practice and reason about possibilities for development of online and blended learning designs. I’ve been working on developing a Community of Inquiry (CoI) model for my courses for some time – or Collaborative Inquiry as it… Continue Reading →
Peer-to-Peer Review P2P review means we are all required to be a reviewer and to be reviewed. You can think of this as you always having someone to listen to you, and you having someone (else) that you listen to…. Continue Reading →
Task: There is one task for the group: to present your group to the wider ONL community in any way you like – a presentation (Google slides, PowerPoint, Prezi, Sway…), a Padlet, a video or whatever you can think of…… Continue Reading →
Swarm Reading is a technique I use with students when we all need to read a whole book. It could work well with some of the longer texts that are part of the recommended reading for this course? Here’s an… Continue Reading →
Mar 17, 2020
Yes to a large extent. Playful and experimental? – yes Boundary challening? – yes Experience over assessment? – yes Participatory? – yes Relational? – yes No, to some extent. A lot of the provocations in the manifesto assume that what… Continue Reading →
I teach a lot in small groups (‘basho’). The main teaching method is the crit (critique). This is akin to a counselling session wherein the basho focus intently on a student’s work, taking turns to become the focus of the… Continue Reading →
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