new architectures : world heritage [site 0728]
na : wh [0728] brings together architects, academics and local communities to explore new architectures and authenticity at the heart of the ‘Old and New Towns of Edinburgh’ UNESCO World Heritage site (ref 728, inscribed 1995). Evolving theories of World Heritage, cutting-edge technologies of architectural conservation, and contemporary interventions, together illuminate the dynamic potential of Edinburgh’s historic centre as a common project, to explore and advance for the benefit of future generations.
The public exhibition (12-15 March) will showcase a range of projects built and conceived since Edinburgh’s 1995 World Heritage inscription, manifesting the evolution of the World Heritage site through its new architectures. Free admission.
The conference (14-15 March) will explore the meanings, materials and methods of World Heritage authenticity, to identify opportunities for dynamic cultural development within the framework and boundaries of the Edinburgh World Heritage site.
na : wh [0728] is the first event in the global initiative :
In partnership with: Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS), DOCOMOMO International (Specialist Committee on Urbanism + Landscape), and Edinburgh World Heritage.
A collaborative event: