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Stories and news from the MBCHB degree programme
Society in focus: Widening Participation Medics

Society in focus: Widening Participation Medics

We hear from the team behind Widening Participation Medics on their society aims and objectives, community building and support, activities and events, and how you can get involved.


Maha and Robyn in the clinical skills centreHi there, we are Robyn and Maha, current presidents and founders of the Widening Participation Medics (WPM). We are two Year 4 Edinburgh medical students who are very passionate about supporting people from widening participation (WP) backgrounds. As we have both come to university through a WP programme (REACH) we have first hand experience of what it can be like to be a WP student at medical school.

We started this society in October last year as we felt there was a lack of community and support for WP medical students. Our society is dedicated to supporting and empowering students like ourselves who come from similar backgrounds. We understand first-hand the challenges that can arise when pursuing a medical degree without the same level of resources and support as some of our peers.

What do we do?

Maha leading a workshop for studentsWP is a broad term used to identify groups underrepresented within higher education. WPM aims to create a strong and inclusive community for medical students from all walks of life. We organise a range of workshops, talks and socials designed to support the journey of WP medics and help them thrive academically, socially, and professionally. We have successfully held a number of events over the last couple of months. Among the highlights were interactive MCQ evenings, coffee socials, and sessions aimed at guiding younger students on effective study techniques and excelling in medical school. The overwhelming response and enthusiasm displayed by all attendees has highlighted to us the great need for our society.

We established a committee at the beginning of the year to help us achieve our goals. We have a variety of roles within our committee such as events team, outreach leads and research leads. Our representatives from each year group have been instrumental in amplifying the voices of our student body, shedding light on the pressing issues that students face in their medical school journey. Their insights have helped us tailor our initiatives and support to address these concerns effectively. Together, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all medical students.

What inspires us?

Robyn and Maha at study desks in the university libraryWe know how it feels to walk into medical school without a strong support system or a sense of belonging. We’ve encountered hurdles and overcome them, but we want to make sure that future students have an easier and more fulfilling experience.

Our society favourite meet up place…

No matter the event, we’ll be in 50 George Square!

If our society was a drink, what would it be?

A venti pumpkin spiced latte – as we founded the society in Starbucks!

Fancy getting involved?
We send emails to our members to notify them of upcoming events and highlight opportunities to volunteer/teach with us. You can email us if you have any questions or if you’d like to get involved.

Email Widening Participation Medics:

You can find us on social media too:


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