Hi, we’re Edinburgh University Global Health Society.
Global health encompasses a large range of disciplines and its importance has been highlighted to everyone during COVID-19. Examples of topics include epidemiology, economics, medicine and informatics.
Edinburgh University Global Health Society is a group of passionate students from across the University, not just medicine. This society is an excellent way to learn more and discuss different aspects of global and public health with other students from your course and others. We aim to inspire and educate students about global health issues and provide a platform for networking opportunities.
With the current global pandemic ongoing, we hope to have many topical events as well as inviting speakers from other domains such as climate change. For the coming academic year, as many face-to face-events will not be able to be held, we will strive to provide interesting talks, panel discussions and other events virtually.
If you are interested in global health or would like to learn more about the topic, please like our Facebook page to keep up to date with our upcoming events.
Instagram: @ediglobalhealthsoc