Learning Sprint 2: Open Toolkits
Learning Sprint 2: Open Toolkits
Weeks 3 & 4
Your second sprint will focus on two discreet concepts:
Open = a movement > open educational resources (OERs), open access, open licencing
Toolkits = a collection of resources that can be used to ‘do’ something
You will develop a practical and theoretical understanding of the ‘Open’ movement and of ‘Artists’ Tookits’ before attempting to combine both concepts to create an ‘Open Toolkit’.
Sprint 2: Aims
Sprint 2 of this open course supports you to do the following:
- Identify some of the key concepts and practices that are associated with the Open Movement, specifically OERs and modding.
- Develop a practical and theoretical understanding of Educational Toolkits generally, and of the ‘Aritsts’ Toolkit’ more specifically by interacting with a range of Toolkits.
- Learn how to design, develop and combine forms of Open learning with Toolkit-based learning techniques in formal and informal Learning Environments
- Continue to gain insight and support from your Basho as a learner, enabling you to further develop your Personal Learning Network (PLN).
Sprint 2: Learning Outcomes
In Sprint 2 of this open course, you will mainly engage with the highlighted aspects of the course learning outcomes:
LO1 – creatively respond to artistic assignments and provide constructive feedback that supports peer learning
LO2 – research, design, run and document a workshop that teaches an aspect of your practice
LO3 – critically reflect upon what you have learned by researching, designing, running and documenting your workshop
Sprint 2: Problem Scenario (link)
The following Problem Scenario* (link) presents a situation that you will engage with during this second Sprint.
I have been just been commissioned to create an Artist’s Toolkit that is a comprehensive open educational resource (OER). I’ve been advised that I should avoid making assumptions about the learners that will use this Toolkit. Since I will only be paid when I complete the commission, I have very few resources at my disposal. How might I achieve this task?
*What is a Problem Scenario?: https://blogs.ed.ac.uk/macat/openlearninghandbook/problemscenario/
Sprint 2: Class Assignments
You need to complete all of the work specified for both assignments and attend all classes:
Week 3 | In the Open
Tuesday Workshop | In the Open | West Court
Tuesday October 3rd, 12:00, West Court, Main Building, ECA
We will work through three things today:
1. Introducing Sprint 2: Unpacking the Problem Scenario (link)
Neil will introduce Sprint 2, then your tutor will facilitate your Basho in-class to unpack the Problem Scenario (link)
2. Workshop: In the Open: Creating an OER from a Closed Source (link)
Your tutor will faciliate this workshop with your Basho.
We will use components of the Open Learning & Modding Learning Module to frame this workshop.
3. Introducing Week 3 Class Assignment | Art Assignments & Learning Theories (link)
Neil will introduce this week’s Class Assignment, due Tuesday 10th October 9:00am.
You will complete this learning module on your own in Learn and turn in your work in Learn.
This Class Assignment (link) places the whole process of making and unmaking art assignments in an artistic and scholarly context so it is vital that you complete the work for it before the end of Sprint 2.
The Class Assignment (link) is embedded in Learn. If you want to view it in the open, you can do so here (link)
Please turn-in the Class Assignment to Learn by Tuesday 10th October, 9:00am.
Week 4 | Playtesting Open Toolkits
Tuesday Workshop |Playtesting Open Toolkits | West Court |
Week 4 Learning Module 1 of 2: Open Learning & ModdingWeek 4 Learning Module 2 of 2 | What is a Toolkit?
Tuesday October 10th, 12:00, West Court, Main Building, ECA
Your tutor will facilitiate your Basho select and run different Art Assignments this morning. |
During Week 4, please complete both learning modules on your own.
Week 4 | End of Sprint 2 Assignment
Please turn-in the Sprint Assignment to Learn by 9:00am, Tuesday 17th October 2023.
Complete the Sprint 2 Assignment on your own
Return now to review the Problem Scenario (link).
I have been just been commissioned to create an Artist’s Toolkit that is a comprehensive open educational resource (OER). I’ve been advised that I should avoid making assumptions about the learners that will use this Toolkit. Since I will only be paid when I complete the commission, I have very few resources at my disposal. How might I achieve this task?
Remember that the Problem Scenario presents you with some tricky challenges that anchor a particular project.
The project here is the creation of “an Artist’s Toolkit that is a comprehensive open educational resource (OER).”
There are several problems that present you with challenges as you attempt to complete the project described in the Scenario.
Ask yourself: What are the problems to be solved here?
Make sure you clearly identify all of the ‘problems’ and that you put in the scholarly research they require to creatively tackle them.
Use your Sprint 2 Assignment submission to present some possible answers to the questions posed in the scenario.
You may draw on anything that you’ve encountered in this course so far if it helps you to develop a critical and reflective response.
☑️ Did you complete the short Learning Module: Week 3 | Art Assignments & Learning Theories (to Learn by Tuesday 10th October, 9:00am)?
☑️ Did you complete the short Learning Module in Week 4 What is a Toolkit?
☑️ Did you complete the short Learning Module in Week 4 Open Learning & Modding?
☑️ At the end of Week 4, did you re-visit the Sprint’s Problem Scenario and complete the Sprint 2 Assignment (to Learn by 9:00am, Tuesday 17th October 2023)?
If you’ve completed these tasks, then you can move on to Sprint 3 in Week 6.