Fusion Art/Science Event 14th November 2022

This is your chance to meet three presenters who are hoping to make connections with you and perhaps form a collaboration to create new work together, for the next Fusion exhibition.
Our host will be Dr Tom Pratt, Fusion Co-Chair who will introduce our three presenters
Dr Tom MacGillivray is a Senior Research Fellow & Image Analysis Core Laboratory Manager in the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences and will be sharing his research into retinal images.
Dr Mark Adams, also a Research Fellow in the Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, but working in Psychiatry, whose research interest is AI text to image generators and how these might be used in concepts of mental health.
Our third speaker will be Steve Hollingsworth, visual Artist and Senior Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh interested in the potential of art to examine and change perceptions. He works primarily with people who have Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI).
The talks will each be about 10 minutes long and there will be some time for questions before we break for refreshments and have more informal time to chat and get to know each other.
We are happy to have our meeting in the comfortable rooms at IASH (Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities) at University of Edinburgh. IASH is in the central area between George Square and the Meadows https://www.google.com/maps/place/Institute+for+Advanced+Studies+in+the+Humanities/@55.942138,-3.186234,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x7222fe3510d088f3!8m2!3d55.942138!4d-3.186234
We are asking for £2 per person to help cover the cost of refreshments and you can book your tickets through our facebook post or directly to the Eventbrite event . Or you can come to the door at the start of the meeting where contactless and cash payments will be available upon arrival without a ticket.
Bring your friends, it will be a good meeting!