Title: Recognising learning and increasing employability with Digital Badges

Author: Nikki Stuart

Theme: Challenging accepted ways of thinking; Engaging employers, community, and alumni

Digital badges are increasingly expected by learners and are being recognised by employers as a way to reward and evidence achievements. Sharable electronically, including on social media and electronic CVs, digital credentials contain verifiable metadata linked to both the learner and the issuer and detailing the award criteria. Badges could be awarded for the completion of a course or they could be designed to a stackable framework to recognise skill complexity or like a micro-credential.  They are also portable allowing Edinburgh Graduates to curate their digital CVs by attaching the appropriate badges earned from different issuers to advance their careers.

In summer 2022 the University plans to launch a central digital badges service. A project is currently underway to identify and establish a badge issuing platform. Through consultation and engagement, standards, guidance and training will be developed to provide a flexible framework that can be utilised for courses across the University. 

This poster; 
Explains why you may want to consider badges for your courses
The benefits students have seen from publishing badges
What the University’s badge framework and standards may include
What the University’s badge service will provide and when it will be available.