Past Lunches

The 43rd Language Lunch

The 43rd Language Lunch Date: 2014-06-18 Location: G.07 Informatics Forum ParCor 1.0: A parallel pronoun-coreference corpus to support statistical MT Liane,Guillou; informatics; None ​We present ParCor, a parallel corpus of texts in which pronoun coreference (reduced coreference in which pronouns are used as referring expressions) has been annotated. The corpus is intended to be usedContinue reading The 43rd Language Lunch

The 42nd Language Lunch

The 42nd Language Lunch Date: 2014-03-20 Location: G.07 Informatics Forum Relative f0-excursion as a stylistic variable in (dis)agreements Mirjam,Eiswirth; PPLS; Pitch prominence is highly variable in the four types of (dis)agreements identified by Pomerantz (1984), agreement, same assessment, downgrading and disagreement. Even though sociolinguists and discourse analysts have studied (pitch) prominence of disagreement andContinue reading The 42nd Language Lunch

The 41st Language Lunch

The 41st Language Lunch Date: 2014-02-07 Location: G.07 Informatics Forum Against gradual phonologization Josef,Fruehwald; PPLS; None The conventional wisdom regarding phonologization is that it progresses as a sequence of gradual reanalyses: natural acoustic, physiological and perceptual phenomena are reanalyzed as gradient coarticulatory processes, which are then reanalyzed as categorical phonological processes (Ohala, 1981; Bermudez-Otero, 2007).Continue reading The 41st Language Lunch

The 40th Language Lunch

The 40th Language Lunch Date: 2013-11-28 Location: G.07 Informatics Forum A study about inhibitory control in bilinguals. Marta Tessmann Bandeira,; PPLS; None This study examines bilingualism and executive functions from the perspective of dynamical systems, and aims to compare the performance of multilingual children evaluated in 2008 and the same participants four years later, onContinue reading The 40th Language Lunch

The 39th Language Lunch

The 39th Language Lunch Date: 2013-10-17 Location: G.07 Informatics Forum Descriptions which have grown capital letters Brian,Rabern; PPLS; None Almost entirely ignored in the linguistic theorising on names and descriptions is a hybrid form of expression which, like definite descriptions, begin with `the’ but which, like proper names, are capitalised and seem to lack descriptiveContinue reading The 39th Language Lunch

The 37th Language Lunch

The 37th Language Lunch Date: 2013-05-09 Location: G.07 Informatics Forum Where are the Challenges in Speaker Diarization? Mark,Sinclair; Informatics; Speaker Diarization involves segmenting audio into speaker homogenous regions and labelling regions from each individual speaker with a single label. Knowing both who spoke and when has many useful applications and can form part ofContinue reading The 37th Language Lunch

The 36th Language Lunch

The 36th Language Lunch Date: 2013-02-08 Location: G.07 Informatics Forum Primates and Patterns in the Evolution of Language and Music Andrea,Ravignani; The study of the origins of language and music is an exciting interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research area. By presenting some of my ongoing research on apes and monkeys, I will suggest how theContinue reading The 36th Language Lunch

The 35th Language Lunch

The 35th Language Lunch Date: 2012-11-29 Location: G.07 Informatics Forum PLANNING FOR OTHERS – Predictions about Your Upcoming Utterance Affect the Timing of My Utterance Chiara,Gambi; PPLS; PREDICTING SPEECH PRODUCTION – Facilitation but no Inhibition Eleanor,Drake; PPLS; Although picture-naming studies have contributed significantly to understandings of speech production,rnparticularly of item-specific effects such asContinue reading The 35th Language Lunch

The 34th Language Lunch

The 34th Language Lunch Date: 2012-10-05 Location: G.07 Informatics Forum If a lion could speak — Online sensitivity to propositional truth-value of unrealistic counterfactual sentences Mante,Nieuwland; PPLS; Stress-testing GP — the phonology of Taa Julian,Bradfield; Informatics; Reasons for Reading in Rhyme Louise,Shepperd; None; None Turning the pipeline into a loop: Iterated unsupervised dependencyContinue reading The 34th Language Lunch

The 33rd Language Lunch

The 33rd Language Lunch Date: 2012-06-08 Location: G.07 Informatics Forum Assertion: What’s at Stake? Allan,Hazlett; PPLS; Robin,McKenna; PPLS; Joey,Pollock; PPLS; Recent research in the philosophy of language has sought to give an account of the nature of assertion. Some define assertion in terms of the norm that governs it, others in termsContinue reading The 33rd Language Lunch