Data and tools
Remote sensing
approach: The Alos Pre-PROcessing CHain (a.k.a. approach) is a repository to aid in the pre-processing of level 1.1 data from ALOS-1 and ALOS-2 with the SNAP graph processing tool. Backscatter from the L-band ALOS PALSAR-1 and -2 RADAR sensors is strongly associated with aboveground woody biomass in African woodlands and savannas. This repository performs the pre-processing elements for producing similar maps. The gamma0 output geotiffs can be further calibrated to measure aboveground biomass.
sen1mosaic: sen1mosaic: a set of tools to aid in the production of large-scale seasonal mosaic products from Sentinel-1 data.
sen2mosaic: a set of tools to aid in the production of large-scale cloud-free seasonal mosaic products from Sentinel-2 data.
biota: a python module to download, calibrate, and generate change statistics from JAXA’s ALOS mosaic product for forest monitoring purposes.

Photo by John Godlee.
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