From June 20 to June 24 2022 the INTEGRATE project took part in the EPSRC net zero engineering week. The event gave researchers the opportunity to exchange ideas and plans both with each other and with stakeholders.
The event also included keynote presentations from – among others – Dr Chris Stark, Chief Executive at the Committee on Climate Change, and Professor Dame Lynn Gladden, Executive Chair of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. These talks were particularly interesting and helped to emphasize how the funded projects contribute towards the overall goal of achieving net zero.
The majority of time was spent engaging in discussions in the presentation area with colleagues from range of UK universities. From our side, these discussions featured both the team from the University of Glasgow, made up of Dr Isa Kolo, Dr Christopher Brown, and headed by Prof Gioia Falcone and the team from the University of Edinburgh, consisting of Dr Andrew Lyden, Lukas Franken, and lead by Prof Daniel Friedrich.
For the whole of the INTEGRATE team, I would like to express our gratitude to the EPSRC for this great event. We are looking forward to similar opportunities in the future!
(Prof Gioia Falcone and Dr Andrew Lyden at the INTEGRATE stand)
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