Tag: research
Image: Brothers Benjamin, seven, and Gabriel, three, both have ATR-X syndrome By Rebekah Tillotson, Chancellor’s Fellow at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer With Ben Harris and Jennifer Martinez-Harris, ATRX Research Alliance (a parent-led global group of families committed to accelerating research) ATR-X (Alpha-thalassemia X-linked intellectual disability) syndrome is a rare genetic disorder that affects […]
“Agile Project Management” by VFS Digital Design is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/?ref=openverse Research. The Cambridge Dictionary1 defines research as ‘a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding’. The word ‘research’ may evoke an image of […]
Above: Comfy sofas for scientific discussions In September 2023, I began my 4-year MRC Human Genetics Unit (HGU) PhD journey at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer (IGC) in Edinburgh. Despite consistently nearly being blown away by the wind, I shall still head to the IGC for my experiments and PhD training. I am […]
By Andrew Papanastasiou and Liusaidh Owen Andrew Papanastasiou and Liusaidh Owen take us on a deep dive into their study at the MRC Human Genetics Unit. The eye field, its development and challenges in understanding The establishment or `specification’ of the eye field marks the first known stage of vertebrate eye development. […]