Tag: mrc human genetics unit
Dr Waad AlBawardi is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer investigating the role of nucleosome positioning in regulating chromatin structure and dynamics. She is mentoring a student at Holyrood RC High School in Edinburgh as part of a scheme run by the national social mobility charity Career Ready, which is supported […]
With applications being sought for the University of Edinburgh’s prestigious ECAT-i programme (Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track – inclusive) by 29 October, we spoke to former and current participants to find out more about how the posts have benefited them. Paul Brennan, Professor of Clinical and Experimental Neurosurgery at the University of Edinburgh and Honorary Consultant […]
Above: Comfy sofas for scientific discussions In September 2023, I began my 4-year MRC Human Genetics Unit (HGU) PhD journey at the Institute of Genetics and Cancer (IGC) in Edinburgh. Despite consistently nearly being blown away by the wind, I shall still head to the IGC for my experiments and PhD training. I am […]
By Andrew Papanastasiou and Liusaidh Owen Andrew Papanastasiou and Liusaidh Owen take us on a deep dive into their study at the MRC Human Genetics Unit. The eye field, its development and challenges in understanding The establishment or `specification’ of the eye field marks the first known stage of vertebrate eye development. […]