Category: Careers
Reading Time: 2 minutes Upon completion of my MSc in Earth Observation & Geoinformation Management in 2015, I began my career at Earth-i, a British early-stage Earth Observation (EO) startup, working in the downstream analytics domain while also distributing very-high resolution (VHR) optical satellite data. As a fresh graduate in a small company, I had the opportunity to take […]
Reading Time: 2 minutes My MSc in Earth Observation and Geoinformation Management provided me with the skills and expertise necessary to head straight from Edinburgh to the European Space Agency. As I finished my Masters, I secured a place on their Young Graduate Trainee scheme, specifically a 1-year placement within the ESA Climate Office as an early career […]
Reading Time: 2 minutes After completing my MSc in Geographical Information Science (GIS) ten years ago, I embarked on an academic career as a lecturer at two universities in Zimbabwe, and had the privilege of teaching undergraduate courses in GIS and Earth Observation. This role not only allowed me to share my knowledge but also challenged me to […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes By Ademiku, MSc Food Security Volunteering for me, is a demonstration of the love for community development. In any community that I find myself in, I want to leave a lasting positive impact. This desire has totalled around 50 hours per week, going on for about six years now. If you are a leader, passionate […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes Can you tell us about yourselves? Hello! Maria Montull and I (Heather Young) are two co-founders at Hiccup, a company that aims to reduce plastic waste by developing a reusable drinks cup for festivals and other large events. We are both in our last year at the University at Edinburgh, pursuing degrees in Ecological and […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes By Ademiku Adeleye My name is Ademiku Adeleye and I am from Nigeria. I am a Mastercard Foundation Scholar, studying a Food Security Master’s degree. I am also the Postgraduate Taught School representative for the School of Geosciences. First impressions Embarking on a journey as an international student often gives you a variety of […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes By Amy Tyndall I’ve been studying part-time over the past two years alongside my ‘real job’ for an MSc in Earth Observation and Geoinformation Management, with a view to changing career. After graduating with a PhD in Astrophysics in 2014, I went straight into working in science communication and public engagement. It’s a job I’ve […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes By Emmy Sawyer, business student and Digital Marketing Intern 2023 I know what you may be thinking from this blog title and the answer is, yes! I too pondered whether I’m really the right person for this role. How could I possibly communicate on behalf of a School that I’m not even a part of? […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes By Mia Frothingham Last month, I appeared in an episode of the BBC’s The Sky At Night about the search for alien life. Being on TV talking about my astrobiology research literally felt out of this world. How did I get here? As a young girl, I was incredibly interested in biology. While I was […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes By Claudia Elijas Parra and Jack Andrew Smith Our understanding of landslides, volcanic eruptions, as well as natural and man-made earthquakes, is all underpinned by the way rocks break – a process known as catastrophic failure. As a rock is put under pressure, little microcracks develop and link up to form a damage zone which […]