Currently, I teach on the following courses:
- Structural Analysis of Rocks and Regions (as Course Organiser)
- Earth Science for Society (as Course Organiser, starting September 2023)
- Nuclear Waste Storage: Principles, Policies and Practice
- Global Tectonics and the Rock Cycle
- Field Skills for Geology
Currently, I am writing my part of Earth Science for Society, which is to start in autumn 2023. In this course, I will be teaching about Coal and its role in shaping the UK, Nuclear Waste Disposal, Volcanic Hazards associated with Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei in S Italy and Seismic Hazards in the middle East. Recently, I worked on Case Studies in Structural Geology, which I co-develop together with Prof B Grasemann from the University of Vienna.
I was Programme Convenor for our Geology degree from June 2019 to June 2022 and as such responsible for the coordination of the academic aspects of our teaching. During that time I was the project lead for the development of our new Earth Sciences Degree, which will start in 2023/24.
To learn more about the ideas and motivations behind my teaching, my teaching vision, click here.
In 2019, I was one of the lead organisers of an international workshop in Wolkersdorf (Austria) that explored Opportunities and Challenges in Teaching Structural Geology and Tectonics in the 21st Century. Download the resulting poster here.
Relevant publications:
- Fusseis, F. & Attal, M. (2019) A new course concept to overcome linear teaching in Structural Geology and Tectonics, Geophysical Research Abstracts.
- Tewksbury, F., & Fusseis, F. (2019) Re-thinking Coverage and Linearity. Part of the SERC On-ramps series: