Funding (since 2015)
- NERC standard grant 'Enabling CO2 mineralisation through pore to field-scale tracking of carbonate precipitation: INCLUSION', as Co-I, PI Dr Stuart Gilfillan (XX/2023-YY/2026)
- NERC standard grant 'On the edge?', as Co-I, PI Prof Ian Main (XX/2023-YY/2026)
- Royal Society International Exchanges 'Understanding extreme enrichment processes of Be using Synchrotron-and laboratory-based x-ray microtomography', Cost share with NSFC, Co-Applicant together with Prof Kunfeng Qiu, China University of Geosciences Beijing (03/2021-03/2023)
- 'Autonomous reaction cells for long-term 4D µCT experiments – a proof of concept'. Sustainability pot bid to the College of Sciences and Engineering and Infrastructure pot of the School of Geosciences, as Co-Applicant with Dr Ian Butler (2021).
- 'EXCITE Electron and X-ray microscopy Community for structural and chemical Imaging Techniques for Earth material' consortium, EU Horizon 2020 call INFRAIA-02-2020, as consortium member (06/2021-06/2024).
- NERC standard grant ‘4D quantification of micro-scale feedbacks in dehydrating, deforming rocks’, as PI (01/2020 - 07/2023).
- NERC standard grant ‘Catastrophic Failure: What controls precursory damage localization in rocks?’, as Co-I, PI Prof Ian Main, University of Edinburgh. (12/2017 - 08/2021).
- Norwegian Research Council ‘Advanced X-ray and neutron imaging of fractured rocks’, as Co-I, PI Prof François Renard, University of Oslo.
- Carnegie Trust Research Incentive Grant ‘Thermo-mechanical-hydraulic feedbacks in engineered barriers and host rocks of nuclear waste repositories’, as PI.
- NERC standard grant NE/N001834/1 ‘Brittle-viscous deformation and the geological record of deep crustal seismicity’ as Co-I, PI Dr Luca Menegon, Plymouth University (01/2017 -12/2019).
- International Centre for Carbonate Research (ICCR2) subprojects at UoE funded by BG and Petrobras (
# ‘SatuTRACK II: Saturation tracking and identification of residual oil distributions using X-Ray CT, SEM, and pore-scale modelling techniques‘, as one of several PIs (04/2015-03/2018).
# ‘Carbonate rock physics: Characterisation of 4D fluid/rock physics on pre/post-salt porosity from CT and synchrotron micro-tomography‘, as one of several PIs (01/2015-12/2017). - 'Infrastructure to analyze and store 4D microtomographic data'. Sustainability pot bid to the College of Sciences and Engineering and Infrastructure pot of the School of Geosciences, as PI (2016).
Synchrotron light- and Neutron source beam time proposals since 2016
APS Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, USA; ESRF: European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France; ILL: Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France, SOLEIL: French National Synchrotron Facility, SLS: Swiss Light Source, DLS: Diamond Light Source, Hartwell, UK
- SOLEIL XXXX 'Calcium sulfate (re)hydration at crustal conditions, quantifications from 4D time resolved microtomography (4D-μCT) experiments to constrain subsurface swelling events.', Co-I, PI Dr Damien Freitas (06/23).
- APS GUP 81226 'How characteristic microstructural length scales affect the upscale propagation of thermally-induced changes in engineering materials' as PI (11/22).
- SLS Longterm proposal 20200757 'Implementing novel X-ray transparent triaxial deformation rigs to study fluid-rock interaction at mid-crustal conditions' as PI (01/2021 - 06/2022).
- DLS MG22517 ‘Time-dependence of the micromechanics of damage localisation in rocks close to failure’, Co-I, PI Dr Ian Butler (09/19).
- SLS Project #20171455, ‘Quantifying the link between evaporite deformation, dehydration and transport properties in thinned skin tectonics’, as PI (05/18 and 02/19).
- APS GUP 62737 ‘Time-dependence of the micromechanics of damage localisation in rocks close to failure’, Co-I, PI Dr Alexis Cartwright-Taylor, (11/19).
- ILL NEutron and X-ray Tomography ( invited user proposal ‘Thermo-hydraulic effects in engineered barriers and host rocks of nuclear waste repositories’, as PI (05/18, as PI).
- DLS EE18706: ‘4D imaging of precursory damage localisation during in-situ rock deformation’, as PI (06/18).
- APS GUP 49641 ‘Enabling 4D Fast Synchrotron Investigation of Fluid-Rock Interaction at Elevated P&T’, as one of two PIs (07/16-06/18).
- APS GUP 48281 ‘In situ nanoscale observation of gypsum dehydration using fast imaging’ w/ E. Gouillart from Compagnie de Saint Gobain (02/16-01/18).
- ESRF Long Term Project ES295 ‘Rock Deformation in 4D - Development of a triaxial rig coupled to time-lapse X-ray microtomography to study in-situ rock deformations with applications to geodynamics and georesources topics’, Co-I, PI Prof François Renard, (07/15-06/18).
- APS GUP 45168 ‘4D imaging of multiphase fluid displacement mechanisms in heterogeneous, porous carbonate rocks under varying wettability conditions’, as CI (03/16-02/18).
- SOLEIL GUP-20160434 ‘4D imaging of multiphase fluid displacement mechanisms in heterogeneous, porous carbonate rocks under varying wettability conditions’, as PI (12/16).
Since 2008, I have completed experiments covering more than 100 days of beam time at the above synchrotron light sources with a combined equivalent value ≫€ 1 Mio.
Past funding (since 2008)
- Royal Society research grant (RG140191): Imaging fluid flow and fluid-rock interaction in carbonate rocks at reservoir conditions in 4D using fast Synchrotron x-ray microtomography (10/2013-10/2014).
- Ruhr-University start-up grant ‘Infrastructure to analyze three- and four-dimensional X-ray tomography data’ (2012).
- IZK0Z2_140183 International Short Visit fellowship, Swiss National Science Foundation, one month visit to University of Bern to build an x-ray transparent fluid-rock interaction cell, (2012).
- LE120100095 Linkage, Infrastructure and Equipment, Australian Research Council, ‘High-resolution X-ray micro computed tomography supporting West Australian geo-, physical and biological science’, as one of 8 PIs (2011).