“He-Wounds and She-Wounds: A Monologue”
The ill & wounded #body at the centre of my talk @ THE LANGUAGE OF SCIENCE IN THE LONG NINETEENTH CENTURY https://www.dilass.unich.it/eventi-cusve I shall be looking at the early part of the century, discussing #deaths – #CharlesDickens and #FrancesBurney anyone? – #wounds, injuries, #inoculation in the Journals and Letters. Real and imaginary deaths, and the monologic voice of the narrator.
27 October c.11am (10am BST) online.
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Passcode: 457001
https://zoom.us/j/95520710096?pwd=aHVla20rMEV2RVplVHBDcFdHM2VSZz09ID riunione: 955 2071 0096
Passcode: 457001
“He-Wounds and She-Wounds: A Monologue” / The Lady with the Balloon Hat by Francesca Saggini is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0
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