21st November, 10.20am
For our next EEHN Lab session we will be visiting Rising Tide: Art and Environment in Oceana at the National Museum of Scotland.
We will be joined by the exhibition and displays officer for Rising Tide, who will provide an introduction to the exhibition. For the rest of the session, we hope to consider and discuss the exhibition alongside Epeli Hau’ofa’s ‘Our Sea of Islands’ (The Contemporary Pacific, 1994, 6(1), pp.148-161).
So that we can make the most of the full session, please meet us just inside the tower entrance (west end of Chambers Street) at 10.20am on the 21st of November, and we’ll all head to the exhibition together for a 10.30 start.
If you’d like to learn more about the exhibition in advance of our session, NMS has the following resources available:
Morning Curator Tour: Rising Tide (nms.ac.uk)
Spotlight On: Rising Tide (nms.ac.uk)
We look forward to seeing you there!
Best wishes,
Ellie and Matty