Safeguarding our digital community begins with you
Tuesday, 11 February is Safer Internet Day. To mark the occasion, the Digital Skills and Training team are launching #DigitalCitizen, an online campaign to raise awareness about digital safety and the responsible use of technology.
Students at the University of Edinburgh have reported feeling under-supported when faced with a rising number of internet safety-related concerns, including but not limited to online fraud, social engineering, and online harassment. The #DigitalCitizen campaign aims to give students resources with which to tackle these issues while embedding a sense of digital citizenship that will inform the ways in which students engage with technology throughout their time at the University and beyond.
Through this campaign, students will glean a clearer understanding of the types of digital safety threats they might encounter, as well as how to troubleshoot these threats and how to support others who may be more vulnerable or who might have already been affected. In line with the University’s 2030 Strategy, we hope this campaign will help make the world a better place by instigating a behavioural and cultural shift that ensures all members of the University community feel safe and supported while engaging both online and off.
Please help us spread the word by retweeting campaign messages posted from the @UoEDigiSkills account from Tuesday, 11 February onwards. All campaign Tweets will use the hashtag #DigitalCitizen and reshares on other social media accounts (i.e. Facebook and Instagram) are also most welcome. Please also feel free to disseminate a link to our new Digital Safety and Citizenship Webpages.